Write a Bike

October 4, 2006

A bad dream

Filed under: Rides — Rockjaw @ 8:12 am

Fairly average ride this morning, started early thanks to a buzzsaw waking me up at 6:30am (when it’s actually still dark, surprisingly…). The person using that saw better have been cutting a mother and child loose from a burning car, instead of – say – constructing shelves, that’s all I can say.

Anyway, average enough ride, same morning route down the seafront, but this time I pushed out a little further just to ensure I made five miles total (I’ve been a little under recently). I was listening to Keane’s Under the Iron Sea at the time, specifically a track called ‘A Bad Dream’ which is a fairly melodic, soothing sort of tune – the kind of stuff I like, thangyew – but it has a nice soaring orchestral ending.

As I stopped to swig some water I turned back to look at Brighton centre, facing east, and on cue a fantastic sunrise stopped me cold. Various clouds were strewn across the sun, which was bursting through at the edges, leaving a multi-coloured orange sky below it. With Brighton’s seafront skyline below it, the sea to one side, and foreground details like wheeling gulls and of course, other bikers… plus my musical accompaniment… it was a sunrise to remember.

Of course,  I didn’t have the camera with me….


  1. I haven’t ridden with music in a while, but I remember an awesome night ride once along Lake Ontario here in Toronto, listening to a Ryan Adams CD. The city sits on a long curve on the lake, and you can see city lights ahead of you and the black water beside you – it’s awesome sometimes.
    Good luck with the biking!

    Comment by Tuco — October 7, 2006 @ 9:10 pm

  2. Thanks Tuco! Good luck with your commute!

    Comment by Stephen — October 8, 2006 @ 5:32 pm

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